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Sony E10 Back Yard Walkabout

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Peter’s Christmas Album Order:
https://petergregg.thrivecart.com/christmas2-cd-digitaldownload/ (Peter Gregg’s Website)
Immediate digital download and physical CD will be shipped right away.

Silent Night Video on my other channel:

Today’s Show:
Sony ZV-E10 - Active Stabilization test walking around in my backyard. It isn't aggressive testing but more of what would it be like in hand for someone using it to vlog or family videos.

Sony ZV-E10
https://bhpho.to/3FauiIi (B&H)

Try my new VERY COOL MERCH (T-Shirts, Hoodies Back Packs, Water Bottles, Caps - pretty nice stuff I have to say - I'm impressed lol !!!):

And of course, you can support my channel thru Patreon! (please do!)

Recent Past Shows:
Sony A7 IV
https://bhpho.to/3pxzl0V (B&H)

Past Show:
Nikon Z9 - New KING OF THE HILL!
https://bhpho.to/3vVZCY7 (B&H)

Newest Camera in the Christmas Room:
Nikon Zfc
https://bhpho.to/3EbD7ly (B&H)

Sony ZV-E10
https://bhpho.to/3FauiIi (B&H)

Hot Microphones:

Ear Trumpet Labs "Louise"

Neumann TLM 103 Microphone
https://bhpho.to/3CfFZMa (B&H)

Stellar X2 Microphone
https://amzn.to/3HwtBv4 (Amazon)

Lewitt 540 Sub Zero Microphone
https://bhpho.to/3qCjQ8D (B&H)

Aston Spirit Microphone
https://bhpho.to/3cdxsyI (B&H)

My Main Youtube Cameras for shows and livestream -

Nikon Z6
https://bhpho.to/3h3qOyq (B&H)
https://amzn.to/3xIH7Xo (Amazon)

Nikon Zfc
https://bhpho.to/3EbD7ly (B&H)

Sony ZV1
https://bhpho.to/375CASC (B&H)
https://amzn.to/3b3mc7C (Amazon)

Olympus EM1 Mark II - used in PetersKitchen Channel
https://bhpho.to/3aNpxs7 (B&H)
https://amzn.to/3nO24f6 (Amazon)

Panasonic GH4 - used in PetersKitchen Channel
https://bhpho.to/3d9Kzlt (B&H)

Lens -
Sony 50mm 1.4 Zeiss https://bhpho.to/3trNaw1 https://amzn.to/3ekNo3S
Nikon 50mm 1.4 G https://bhpho.to/3ePlPi4 https://amzn.to/3tnxNoy
Nikon FTZ Adapter for my G lenses: https://amzn.to/3u8FKOI
Olympus Pro 25mm 1.2 https://bhpho.to/3eYjCB4 https://amzn.to/3upnFwW
Canon 50mm 1.8 RF (guest lens) https://bhpho.to/3nTebHW https://amzn.to/2RrbyAW

Bubble Tubes https://amzn.to/3fzJ0gQ

Ecamm Software for recording and live streaming: https://www.ecamm.com/mac/ecammlive/?fp_ref=peter11
Apple Mac Mini M1 https://bhpho.to/3xNcdgx https://amzn.to/2RxZk9K

Peter’s Channels:
PeterGregg - https://www.youtube.com/petergregg
PetersKitchen - https://www.youtube.com/peterskitchen
PeterGreggLive - https://www.youtube.com/petergregglive
PeterGreggTV - https://www.youtube.com/user/PeterGreggTV

Web site: www.petergregg.com
Email: petergreggonline@aol.com
Send me a card or letter -
Peter Gregg
1050 W 49 Street Box 28596
Hialeah Florida 33002

For special donations:

Buy Me A Coffee!!!

Using the links supports me better than Youtube does! Please use my links to support the channel :)

All pictures and content by Peter Gregg and are my copyright. Music from YouTube's Content Creator library.

I participate in the partner affiliate programs from B&H Photo, Amazon.com, EcammLive and other ones too. I earn finder's fees and "commissions" when you use these links. Thank you for using the links at no cost to you, but it helps support my channel.

#PeterGregg #PetersKitchen #PeterGreggLive
peter gregg, peter greg, the Chrsitmas Room
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