If you often encounter the unexpected or like to be prepared for any situation then you should be carrying around a multi-tool. The concept of combining various tools into a single device isn’t new, these tools have come a long way from the Swiss Army knife you dreamed of as a kid. Some of these are pretty tiny so it’s super easy to carry them around! Perhaps it comes off as no surprise that there are literally hundreds of multi-tools available on the market, that's why we put together this list of the best multi-tools for you to choose from. You can pick anyone according to your needs, whether you want one that you can handle with one hand or one with loads of tools.
► Subscribe For More! https://goo.gl/FQqpG8
12. Skeletool CX - https://geni.us/Uh36k
11. Leatherman Free P2 - https://geni.us/xRNits8
10. SOG PowerAccess Deluxe - https://geni.us/MFkWGR
9. Gerber Dime - https://geni.us/qNXw95
8. Leatherman Wave Plus - https://geni.us/jHTLj
7. Victorinox Deluxe Tinker - https://geni.us/fABpY
6. Leatherman Bond - https://geni.us/Jtk1
5. Gerber Center-Drive - https://geni.us/6Snx
4. Victorinox SwissTool Spirit X - https://geni.us/xUfg
3. Gerber Truss - https://geni.us/LY1E
2. SOG PowerLitre - https://geni.us/CAag
1. Gerber Armbar Drive - https://geni.us/EgGP
► Disclaimer: This video description contains affiliate links. Meaning, if you click on one of the product links and make a purchase, we receive a small commission. This helps us keep making more videos. Thank you for your support!
For Copyright Issues, Please Contact tech5svideos@gmail.com
► Subscribe For More! https://goo.gl/FQqpG8
12. Skeletool CX - https://geni.us/Uh36k
11. Leatherman Free P2 - https://geni.us/xRNits8
10. SOG PowerAccess Deluxe - https://geni.us/MFkWGR
9. Gerber Dime - https://geni.us/qNXw95
8. Leatherman Wave Plus - https://geni.us/jHTLj
7. Victorinox Deluxe Tinker - https://geni.us/fABpY
6. Leatherman Bond - https://geni.us/Jtk1
5. Gerber Center-Drive - https://geni.us/6Snx
4. Victorinox SwissTool Spirit X - https://geni.us/xUfg
3. Gerber Truss - https://geni.us/LY1E
2. SOG PowerLitre - https://geni.us/CAag
1. Gerber Armbar Drive - https://geni.us/EgGP
► Disclaimer: This video description contains affiliate links. Meaning, if you click on one of the product links and make a purchase, we receive a small commission. This helps us keep making more videos. Thank you for your support!
For Copyright Issues, Please Contact tech5svideos@gmail.com
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