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The time we are living in can hardly be called stable; conversely, it’s chaotic and uncertain. There are many economic and environmental problems that the world is going through: climate change, poverty, globalization. It all makes us start pondering upon the end of the world scenario. But what if we say that for some countries this scenario has already started?
Smart is the New Sexy compiled a list of countries that may not survive by 2040.

Number 12 is The Bahamas.
For island nations like the Bahamas, a small change of even just 1.2 degrees Celsius would mean a catastrophic change to its coastal lines. If the ocean levels rise as much as 5 feet, The Bahamas would lose 80% of its land mass. Island nations like The Bahamas rely on tourism, so they need to implement drastic measures to save time while more long-term measures to stop global warming are implemented. Sea walls, for example, are one of the measures that could help in the meantime by stopping the increasingly strong and wild waves that keep crashing against places inhabited by the nation’s population.

Fiji is 11 in our list.
Rising sea levels have flooded the farmlands and the homes of thousands of Fijian people. This has forced most of the population to seek new homes in the mainland, or in bigger islands like Australia. Within Fiji, the nation is trying their best to save time by relocating their citizens closer to the inland, an initiative that costs the government over $800,000 per 30 houses. Like with every other island nation, the lack of funding and the temporary measures make the future of this country look grim.

Wanna know who's left? Watch the full video!

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