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2K screens, iris scanners, & learning to use a Jolla - Pocketnow Weekly 075

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(Full description below) The Pocketnow Weekly is an audio-only mobile tech podcast hosted on YouTube for your convenience. For full MP3 downloads and links to articles discussed on the air, visit us at .

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Just what use would an iris scanner be on a smartphone? When will 2K displays take over the smartphone world (and why should we care)? How exactly does one spell "Magotes," anyway? If these questions have ever crossed your worried minds -and even if they haven't- the second-to-last episode of the Pocketnow Weekly's 2013 season is right up your twisted alley, friend.

But even if you're not interested in such tomfoolery, there's lots here to ping your pong. In this episode we talk headline-grabbing rumors like the Galaxy S 5 and wooden Moto X, yes - but we also spend a lot of time covering lesser-known mobile tech topics. Topics like what it's like to carry a Jolla for a day, and just what weird thinking is behind Nokia's phone-naming schemes. Then we tie a bow on everything with some of the best listener mail we've had all year, from the best audience a humble little podcast could ask for. So grab a towel, because on episode 075 of the Pocketnow Weekly, it's laid out like that.

Send feedback, questions, and requests to podcast [AT] pocketnow [DOT] com. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google Plus to stay apprised of the latest episodes. Tell your friends about the show so we don't have to do a telethon to stay on the air. Join our forums to offer topic suggestions and more. And thanks for listening!

Pocketnow Weekly Episode 075

Recording Date



Michael Fisher

Taylor Martin

Stephen Schenck

Adam Doud

Podcast Rundown

Announcements (00:03:51)


We need your help to win a Stitcher Award! - (Vote here: )


Get your votes in for the Pocketnow Readers' Choice awards! (Vote here - )

Jolla (00:07:39)

Jolla Hands-On: a day with the new Sailfish flagship (Video)

Android (00:26:10)

LG GX announced in Korea, brings 5.5-inch display and Snapdragon 600

Sony Xperia Z1 for China now confirmed; begins to resolve Z1s mystery

Samsung Galaxy S 5 could feature iris scanner as well as 2K display

This is what a 2K smartphone looks like: Vivo launches Xplay 3S

Moto X wood option finally available (with some surprises)

Don't be surprised if you start seeing some very Apple-looking Samsung stores

Samsung's 2014 tablet lineup splitting into Pro and Lite flavors? New details rumored

Windows (01:03:48)

Lumia "929″ launch date rumored as we reconsider the phone's name / Wait for Nokia Lumia 929/Icon could be getting even longer

Nokia changes its mind about 8.3-inch "Illusionist" tablet?

Surface Mini tablet to support in-air gesture control?

Lumia 1020 on AT&T now getting Lumia Black update (and RAW support)

iOS (01:22:52)

Apple starts season early with 12 days of gifts

Pebble reveals app store plans, launching next year

Listener Mail (01:27:53)

Minh Nguyen wonders what the HTC financing program means for the OEM's relationship with carriers; Rikki Paul laments the loss of tiny phones; and Anthony Nardiello asks us just how to convince his dad to replace old'n'busted with the new hotness for Christmas.

(Special note: due to the flow of this week's episode, two additional pieces of listener mail, from Phillip Mburu and Thomas Huffmaster, are included in the Android and Windows Phone sections above. Thanks to everyone for writing in!)

Thanks for listening!

Tune in next week for more!


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