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7 X-Men Gadgets In Real Life

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Owning your favorite superhero gadgets is always fun, whether it's a cosplay accessory or a weapon you can use in an actual fight. If you're a fan of X-Men, we've rounded up this incredible list of gadgets that will let you shoot fireballs from your hands like Pyro, blast powerful rays from your eyes like Cyclops and slice up fruits with literal metal claws like Wolverine himself!
Here are 7 X-Men Gadgets in Real Life. Let’s get started.

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7 X-Men Gadgets In Real Life [Links]

7. Magneto Shoes https://bit.ly/2Z7edjG
6. Gambit’s Playing Cards http://bit.ly/3aXrgKb
5. Warpath’s Bowie Knives https://bit.ly/3acdkwp
4. Cyclops Visor/Laser glasses http://engt.co/3d2tY3H
3. Nightcrawler’s saber http://bit.ly/2Z7fWpa
2. Pyro Fireshooter https://geni.us/nu4ZjP
1. Wolverine’s Claws https://geni.us/2eyyB

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