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Android skins RANKED from WORST to BEST!

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We've taken some of the most popular Android skins and ranked them from the absolute WORST to the undisputed BEST! We're talking Samsung One UI, Sony Xperia UI, Color OS, and more. No brand is safe! Who comes out on top? Read the full article: https://andauth.co/AndroidSkinsRanked

0:00 Ranking criteria
0:30 Tecno-cally last (11th)
1:34 Xiaomi second to last (10th)
2:43 There's no Honor being here (9th)
3:41 Vi-voted this adequate (8th)
4:41 I have no pun for ASUS (7th)
5:30 Missing out on top 5 (6th)
6:26 This is an Xperia-ence(5th)
7:29 Nothing worse than missing top 3 (4th)
8:49 Beating the OPPO-sition (3rd)
10:01 Missing top spot (2nd)
11:22 The best Android skin is....(1st)

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