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AVForums Podcast: 19th March 2014 Episode 35

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This week we discuss:
00:01:36 When Twitter declares you are dead
00:06:53 With all the tech they have, how does a plane disappear?
00:15:08 Panasonic Freetime
00:17:50 Sony axes 3D Experience content service on Smart TVs
00:21:57 Sony's VR headset for gaming
00:26:25 Xbox One Titanfall sales leap
00:32:13 Onkyo launch new budget AVRs with 4K/60 pass-through
00:34:20 Auro-3D coming to Denon/Marantz AVRs?
00:35:42 Sony VPL-HW55 projector review
00:38:07 What's at the cinema Steve? Need for Speed
00:51:32 This week's Blu-ray highlights
00:57:25 That's it!

Presented by Phil Hinton with Steve Withers, Mark Botwright and Ed Selley.
Copyright 2014 M2N Ltd. Music licensed by PremiumBeat.com
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