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Bethesda and Microsoft Team Up For E3 This Year - IGN Daily Fix

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Today on IGN The Fix: Games, it's been revealed that Microsoft and Bethesda will host a joint E3 conference this year. In an interview, Xbox Games Studios head, Matt Booty, broke the news that the two would team up to introduce fans to their upcoming projects after the $7.5 Billion acquisition of Zenimax. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD is getting a brand new Zelda and Loftwing amiibo that will help Link traverse the world of this Nintendo Switch remaster. While this does seem like a fitting amiibo figure to pair with fast travel, some feel the collectible pay-walls a feature that should be available to all players. And last but definitely not least, Akeem stops by with a special offer from Playstation!
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