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Budget Robotic Vacuums: 5 Fast Facts

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Fact #1. Cleaning floors is one of the most odious requirements of living indoors. With every step we take, the surface on which we walk becomes ever grimier and less appealing to the naked eye. Few household duties are more relentless or backbreaking than keeping the nastiness that's tracked into our homes in check.
Fact #2. It's no wonder that even the earliest, most rudimentary robotic vacuums have found a receptive audience across a number of demographics. One can hardly blame consumers who eagerly flock to the nearest department store to hand the job of cleaning over to the latest iteration of autonomous floor cleaners.
Fact #3. With the field of home economics still very much in flux, smarthome technologies have more than their share of detractors. It's helped by the demonstrable security risks of having one's home remotely infiltrated by hackers. However, if the trade-off for effortlessly clean floors is the threat of having distant strangers peek into the untidiest corners of our lives, that may be a price we're willing to pay.
Fact #4. The rising ubiquity of smartphone apps has made it easier to add sophisticated software integrations to well-built hardware. It can even be done without expensive onboard systems. Given that smartphones are now considered basic essentials, it's becoming more feasible for the average household to invest in app-controlled home automations.
Fact #5. Feedback from early adopters has helped pave the way for significant improvements in obstacle detection and avoidance, navigational technology, and battery capacity. Of course, the more effective and feature-rich the vacuum, the higher the cost. However, with basic functionality priced well below that of a maid service, there's an automatic floor cleaning system to fit almost any budget.
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