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Canon R7 Rumor or Humor! (Humor or Rumor - I forget which is first lol)

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Canon R7 - it's a real thing - maybe lol.
No, it's really a rumor, but a pretty good one! CanonRumors.com is reporting
a possible Canon R7 this March. There isn't any info to go with it, so we watch and wait!

If you would like to support my channel - there are 3 easy ways:

1: The Christmas Room’s Own Christmas Music Album CD!
2: Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/petergregg
3: If you are into the merch stuff - https://petergreggstore.myspreadshop.com

(NEW for 2022) Santa’s Preferred Cookie!! Peter’s Amazing Chocolate Chip Cookies!!

Here is a playlist of all the Christmas Songs I recorded in 2021:

——————Main Youtube Cameras for all 4 channels————————
Nikon Z6
https://bhpho.to/3h3qOyq (B&H)
https://amzn.to/3xIH7Xo (Amazon)

Sony ZV-E10
https://bhpho.to/3pgjrrf (B&H)
https://amzn.to/3sp3KjA (Amazon)

Nikon Zfc
https://bhpho.to/3FfXxtS (B&H)
https://amzn.to/3J7KUn2 (Amazon)

Olympus EM1 Mark II (Kitchen)
https://bhpho.to/3aNpxs7 (B&H)
https://amzn.to/3nO24f6 (Amazon)

Sony ZV1 
https://bhpho.to/375CASC (B&H)
https://amzn.to/3b3mc7C (Amazon)

Panasonic GH4 (Kitchen) 
https://bhpho.to/3shO1CF (B&H)
https://amzn.to/3E8AVKg (Amazon)

Sony 50mm 1.4 Zeiss 
https://bhpho.to/3trNaw1 ; (B&H)
https://amzn.to/3ekNo3S (Amazon)

Nikon 50mm 1.4 G 
https://bhpho.to/3ePlPi4 (B&H)
https://amzn.to/3tnxNoy (Amazon)

Nikon FTZ Adapter for my G lenses:
https://amzn.to/3u8FKOI (Amazon)

Olympus Pro 25mm 1.2 
https://bhpho.to/3eYjCB4 (B&H)
https://amzn.to/3upnFwW (Amazon)

Peter’s Talking Microphone:
Brand: Sony Wireless Lav
https://bhpho.to/3FL5BDf (B&H)

Peter’s Singing Microphone
Brand: TZ
Model: Stellar X2
Link: https://amzn.to/3AG0YIB

————————Bubble Tubes ——————
https://amzn.to/3fzJ0gQ (Amazon)

————————Kitchen Stuff ——————
https://amzn.to/3miTTrI (Amazon)

Instant Pot Pro

———————Livestream Work Path ————————
Livestream Workflow:
Step 1
Camera(s) using HDMI go to: (links above)
Step 2
Blackmagic Decklink Quad HDMI Recorder PCIExpress Card
https://bhpho.to/3e0VTQx which is housed inside of a:
Step 3
Sonnet PCIExpress to Thunderbolt box
https://bhpho.to/3s9xQao MUST use a:
Step 4
True Thunderbolt cable to
Step 5
Mac Mini M1 Computer controlled by
Step 6
Ecamm Software for recording and live streaming:

The computer -
Apple Mac Mini M1 
https://bhpho.to/3xNcdgx ; (B&H)
https://amzn.to/2RxZk9K (Amazon)

———————Peter’s Channels—————————
PeterGregg - https://www.youtube.com/petergregg
PetersKitchen - https://www.youtube.com/peterskitchen
PeterGreggLive - https://www.youtube.com/petergregglive
Peter Singing - https://www.youtube.com/user/PeterGreggTV

Web site: www.petergregg.com
Email: petergreggonline@aol.com

Write to me -
Peter Gregg
1050 W 49 Street Box 28596
Hialeah Florida 33002

Using the links supports me better than Youtube does! Please use my links to support the channel :)

All pictures and content by Peter Gregg and are my copyright. Music from Epidemic Music and YouTube's Content Creator library.

I participate in the partner affiliate programs from B&H Photo, Amazon.com, EcammLive, Epidemic Sound and others too.
I earn finder's fees and "commissions" when you use these links.
Thank you for using the links at no cost to you, but it helps support my channel.

#PeterGregg #PetersKitchen #PeterGreggLive
peter gregg, peter greg, the Chrsitmas Room
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