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Douchebag Supercut: Wolf Of Wall Street

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Martin Scorsese's 3-hour, supercharged binge of excess makes being a total scumbag look like the only real American Dream. Sure, you'll drain the bank accounts of people who make an honest living and destroy countless families, but you'll be too busy to care as you coast through mountains of cocaine and prostitutes, looking for dwarves to throw at targets, and preserving your quaalude stash. Scorsese's film is so good at punctuating the highlights of being a douche that we almost forgot just how douchey Jordan Belfort and his Stratton Oakmont regiment of snakes really were. Jonah Hill, who was probably hired to divert hatred from DiCaprio, co-stars as Donnie Azoff, the most identifiable prick of the bunch. If you're not sure, whipping out your junk at a crowded party to rub one out, does in fact make you a huge douche.

Douchebag Supercut: Wedding Crashers

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