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Getting Started with Material Design (Big Android BBQ 2015)

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If you are new to Android development or just new to Material Design, it can be a daunting task to make sense of the sea of information out there. For those of us who are mere mortals without design degrees, Material Design is an equalizer that provides us a set a guidelines to make our apps more intuitive and more beautiful for our users. In this session, we'll learn about the guiding principles of design, how to apply them to make a consistent design and when to embrace the rules and when to break them.
James Williams is an author (Learning HTML5 Game Programming) and Course Developer at Udacity where he focuses on making Android and Front-End Web courses. In the Android Nanodegree, James has helped create Android Design for Developers, the Android Wear/TV/Auto courses, and Developing Android Apps. When James is not wrangling instructors, you can find him rolling around in the mud at an obstacle course run. He takes full responsibility for any and all mentions of #HOLOYOLO, #MaterialYOLO, #AppCompatYOLO in Android Design for Developers.
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