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Google Summer of Code 2019, Firebase Realtime Database, & Cloud Security

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TL;DR 151 | The Google Developer News Show

Google Cloud security training and certification → http://bit.ly/2UuUU2Z

Large deletes in the Firebase Realtime Database → http://bit.ly/2K4njJ9

Microsoft and Yahoo sign in now available for Firebase Auth → http://bit.ly/2UxMnwg

Open sourcing Science Journal iOS → http://bit.ly/2YIDTlc

Google Summer of Code 2019 → http://bit.ly/2G1a344

Here to bring you the latest developer news from across Google is Developer Advocate Jen Person (Twitter: @ThatJenPerson)

Tune in every week for a new episode, and let us know what you think of the latest announcements in the comments below!
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