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How Ad Astra’s Moon Visual Effects Were Made | WIRED

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Jedediah Smith, VFX supervisor for Method Studios, describes the painstaking process visual effects artists used to create the moon and lunar rover sequence in Ad Astra. From their innovative use of infrared cameras to their deep archival research to their extensive use of rotoscoping, the effects team employed an array of techniques to balance realism and accuracy.

CORRECTION issued 10/10/2019: the moon has 16.6%, or roughly one-sixth, of the

of the earth's gravity, not one-third, as stated in the video. (The VFX team did in fact simulate at correct moon gravity, which is 0.166 of Earth gravity.)

Read more about Ad Astra at WIRED.com: https://www.wired.com/story/ad-astra-psychology-space-travel/

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How Ad Astra’s Moon Visual Effects Were Made | WIRED
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