Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is the second installment of the action-adventure Spider-Man franchise developed by Insomniac Games. A new update has arrived to the game bringing four fan-favorite legacy suits from the Marvel’s Spider-Man game series and four new suits designed in collaboration with Kid Super, Rina Sawayama, Vini Jr., and Lando Norris. Players will now gain access to:
Legacy Suits
- Last Stand Suit (Peter Parker)
- Into the Spider-Verse Suit (Peter Parker)
- Uptown Pride Suit (Miles Morales)
- Animated Suit (Miles Morales)
Collaboration Suits
- Motorchic Suit (Peter Parker)
- Fluro Suit (Peter Parker)
- Ginga Suit (Miles Morales)
- Metro Suit (Miles Morales)
The Suit Update for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is available now for PlayStation 5 (PS5).
#IGN #Gaming #SpiderMan2
Legacy Suits
- Last Stand Suit (Peter Parker)
- Into the Spider-Verse Suit (Peter Parker)
- Uptown Pride Suit (Miles Morales)
- Animated Suit (Miles Morales)
Collaboration Suits
- Motorchic Suit (Peter Parker)
- Fluro Suit (Peter Parker)
- Ginga Suit (Miles Morales)
- Metro Suit (Miles Morales)
The Suit Update for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is available now for PlayStation 5 (PS5).
#IGN #Gaming #SpiderMan2
- Category
- Gaming
- Tags
- Action, Adventure, Insomniac Games
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