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Meet My New Sony ZV-E1 Camera!

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#PeterGregg #PetersKitchen #SweetSleepPeterGregg

Meet my new camera - the new Sony ZV-E1
It has been running for 3 days straight - day and night - with no issues!!

Look and buy here:
Sony ZV-E1 WHITE Body At Adorama:
Sony ZV-E1 Black Body At Adorama:
Sony ZV-E1 Kit at Walmart:
BH Photo: https://bhpho.to/3PwGCtk

My birthday Lens Came from Randall Brander:

Video on the Black vs White temperature readings:
Hyun Ralph Jeong

Nikon Zf Camera - PreOrder Here!!!!
Adorama: https://howl.me/ckCPS5ARcyu

BH: https://bhpho.to/48m07x8

New m43 News!!!
The Panasonic G9 II came in with a vengeance!
No doubt now that the new focus system is going to reverberate thru the newest Panasonic cameras!!!!

Pre-Order The New G9II From These Places Here:

BEST Adorama PreOrder: https://howl.me/ckzqF2vscL6

BETTER B&H PreOrder: https://bhpho.to/3PdMnvK

GOOD Amazon: https://amzn.to/48eeDaj

Arthur R E1 Video: https://youtu.be/GyPNSyaSUpE?si=nVTTruip_Popux58
Kurios Creative Media E1 Video: https://youtu.be/zRF8bd7Vrio?si=IHcH-xZoFfx71HFE

Thanks to those who support the channel.
If you would like to add your gift! - it is so greatly appreciated!
Amazon Gift Card Send To: [email protected]
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/yckvftz5
Information Is From 43Rumors.com
My Current Gear
My newest camera - Lumix S5 Mark II: https://howl.me/cj2ZKibz3xu

Nikon Z6 II: https://howl.me/cjIkvnqSBTD

Nikon Zfc Mirrorless Camera: https://howl.me/cjIkjq8ULIi

Sony ZV-E10: https://howl.me/cjIkjqAr3Ng

Sony ZV-1: https://howl.me/cjIkjrbf65Y

Sony Planar 50mm f/1.4 Lens: https://howl.me/cjIkjqSPW5g

Nikon Mount Adapter FTZ II: https://howl.me/cjIkjq0KEzt

Sigma 35mm f/1.4 DG DN Art Lens: https://howl.me/cjIkjq395QO

Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 Z: https://howl.me/cjIkjqZkKdw.

Saramonic Blink 500 Pro: https://howl.me/cjIkjqO8swd

-B&H Links:
New for 2023 Lumix S5 Mark II: https://bhpho.to/3Zdknwi
Nikon Z6 https://bhpho.to/3h3qOyq)
Nikon Zfc https://bhpho.to/3FfXxtS
Sony E10: https://bhpho.to/44N890e
Sony Planar 50mm f/1.4 Lens: https://bhpho.to/3puGOzZ
Nikon Mount Adapter FTZ II: https://bhpho.to/3Mgb62o
Sigma 35mm f/1.4 DG DN Art Lens E Mount: https://bhpho.to/3BaXEXf
Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 Z Nikon Mount: https://bhpho.to/3pk3aUA
Saramonic Blink 500 Pro: https://bhpho.to/42ui1dR
Shure SM57 Hand Held: https://bhpho.to/3n0F3sX

PetersKitchen Channel Camera Gear:

Olympus EM1 Mark II (used in the Kitchen) https://bhpho.to/3aNpxs7

Sony ZV1 https://bhpho.to/375CASC

Panasonic GH4 (used in the Kitchen) https://bhpho.to/3shO1CF

Livestreaming Workflow Chain:
Step 1 Camera(s) using HDMI go to: (links above)

Step 2 Blackmagic Decklink Quad HDMI Recorder PCIExpress Card https://howl.me/cjBEOAfEPfK
OR TRY the new
Camlink Pro, untested by me, but looks very appealing: https://howl.me/cjBELk5WGWm
which is housed inside of Step 3:

Step 3 Sonnet PCIExpress to Thunderbolt box
MUST use a:

Step 4 True Thunderbolt cable to

Step 5 Mac Mini M1 Computer controlled by

Step 6 Ecamm Software for recording and live streaming:

The computer -
Apple Mac Mini M1

———————Peter’s Channels—————————
PeterGregg - https://www.youtube.com/petergregg

My Kitchen Channel - https://www.youtube.com/peterskitchen

PeterGreggLive - https://www.youtube.com/petergregglive

Peter Singing - https://www.youtube.com/user/PeterGreggTV

My Newest Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@sweetsleeppetergregg

Web site: www.petergregg.com (my new blog is No. 02)

Email: [email protected]

If you read this far, you deserve a reward! Here is a crazy good product only available at Walmart right now but it is SO SO worth it. It's $9 so it isn't going to break the bank :) I'm so impressed I WILL BE MAKING A VIDEO ON IT LOL.


Using the links supports me better than Youtube does!
Please use my links to support the channel :)

All pictures and content by Peter Gregg and are my copyright.
I participate in the partner affiliate programs from Adorama, B&H Photo, Walmart, Amazon.com, EcammLive, and others too.
I earn finder's fees and "commissions" when you use these links.
Thank you for using the links at no cost to you, but it helps support my channel.
peter gregg, peter greg, the Chrsitmas Room
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