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New Firebase JS SDK is now GA, Chrome 94 Beta, TensorFlow.js, and more!

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TL;DR 259 | The Google Developer News Show

0:00- The new Firebase JS SDK is now GA → https://goo.gle/2V02g0I
0:42- Firebase SDK for Apple now fully supports Swift Package Manager → https://goo.gle/3jub2xl
1:06- Chrome 94 Beta: WebCodecs, WebGPU, Scheduling, and More → https://goo.gle/38s1FYN
1:58- 3D Pose Detection with MediaPipe BlazePose GHUM and TensorFlow.js https://goo.gle/3t20GYH
2:25- Please remember to like, subscribe, and share!

Here to bring you the latest developer news from across Google is Developer Advocate Sumit Chandel. Tune in every week for a new episode, and let us know what you think of the latest announcements in the comments below! ????

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fullname: Sumit Chandel; re_ty: Publish;
purpose: Inform, pr_pr: Google Developers Network, series: The Developer Show
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