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Rain Shower Heads: 5 Fast Facts

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Fact #1. Rain shower heads distribute the water flow in your shower across a greater area with a slow, steady, pressurized stream. They don't send the whole flow through a more limited amount of openings with the intent of maximizing water pressure. Instead, they place a premium on comfort in the shower.
Fact #2. Many of these shower heads have adjustable elements. These include air intakes for increased pressure or limiters for the number of openings used in each head. They all install with tremendous ease, as well. This is because they utilize the water lines already in place. Some require a modicum of manipulation from the line on outward. However, all can be installed with household tools and little plumbing knowledge.
Fact #3. If ease of installation is at the top of your list, look for a rain shower head that looks the most like any old hose-and-head system you see everywhere. With one of these, you can literally just unscrew the hose from the incoming water line and replace it with the new hose.
Fact #4. If you want to more accurately mimic the feeling of rain, you'll want to invest in a head that hangs directly above you as you get clean. These heads usually have more solid fixtures designed to attach at the same junction the hoses do. However, if the joint you have in the wall isn't particularly strong, you might need an additional support set up to hang the shower head.
Fact #5. Once you've taken installation into account, you can purchase a shower head based on features. Some head systems have a great deal of complexity, allowing you to customize your showering experience like never before. Others are utterly simple and completely nonadjustable. It's worth it to ask yourself how much control you want to have over your water pressure, flow direction, and other variables.
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