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Skating in Barcelona with Julian Larsson and the C-Class Coupé

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Alive, vibrant and powerful – that describes the skateboarding scene in Barcelona, Europe’s skateboarding capital, as well as the Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupé. Subscribe to the Mercedes-Benz channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=MercedesBenzTV

This movie combines the charming movements of both worlds.

The content was produced pre COVID-19.

► Filmmaker:
Julian Larsson & Marcus Rex

► Watch all MBvideocar episodes here:

► Experience the C-Class Coupé:

► Configure your C-Class Coupé:

► More C-Class Videos:

► Experience the world of Mercedes-Benz:

► More interesting playlists:
Coupés: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0ORtgsuktfm0HbXSaxnDEGUjblVBhiYr
Saloons: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0ORtgsuktfkcbef_uRQ37RTM1ZTyHi1M
E-Class: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5DB7ADA2E6ADE42F

► Mercedes-Benz on Social Media:

► Crew:
Director, DoP & Editor: Julian Larsson
Website: https://www.julianlarsson.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/larsson_julian

Producer, second Unit DoP & Drone: Marcus Rex
Website: https://www.marcusrex.de
Instagram: https://instagram.com/marcus.rx

Assistant Producer: Roberta Fele
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roberta_fele

Camera Assistant: Daniel Goldhahn
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dani_goldhahn

Colorist: Sebastian Riepp
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sebrpp
Website: http://sebastianriepp.com

► Apply now:
Mercedes-Benz presents the #MBvideocar series: a project where #MBsocialcar videographers and film makers have the opportunity to carry out their own ideas. Mercedes-Benz supports the production of these episodes financially but also by providing vehicles. The artists get to determine the staging, the model and the location. The result are unique episodes that are being published frequently on the official social media channels of Mercedes-Benz like YouTube and Facebook. If you, too, have an idea for a video, please apply now at [email protected]!

#MBvideocar #MBcclass #mercedesbenzTV #cclass #cclass2019 #mercedes #mercedesbenz
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