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Teeter Totters: 5 Fast Facts

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Fact #1. Teeter totters are more than just fun. They're beneficial to children, as well. It may not seem like it at first glance, but successfully operating one requires a number of physical and mental abilities. One of the core components is social interaction. Unlike some other playground activities, these require the involvement of two children.
Fact #2. Seesaws are essentially just levers. By utilizing a long rigid board and a fulcrum, they allow the user to lift a lot of weight with less effort than would normally be required. They work on the basic law of physics that states work is equal to force applied over a distance.
Fact #3. When on a teeter totter, two children must cooperate to make it rock back and forth. In order to coordinate their movements, children have to focus on their timing. If a child doesn't sequence their movements correctly, they will not be able to move the seesaw's center of mass to the correct point to raise the other child into the air, and vice versa.
Fact #4. Playing on a teeter totter helps a child develop better balance. Rocking up and down stimulates the vestibular system, which is responsible for balance and spatial orientation. Humans have a vestibular apparatus inside of the ear that detects vertical orientation, as well as linear and rotational movement. It sends this information to the brain. The more the apparatus is stimulated, the better a child's body learns how to process the information.
Fact #5. Jumping up and down on a seesaw helps develop muscle strength, as well. A number of muscle groups activate as a child performs the different actions. Muscles in the hands and arms are used to grip the handle. Leg muscles are used to jump off the ground and cushion the landing. Core muscles are activated as the child leans forwards and backwards.
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