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THIS WORLD IS AN ILLUSION...9 cool theories

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We often hear that our world is just an illusion. There is nothing. It’s just a dream. But is it really so? “Smart is the new sexy” has collected 9 theories. You may believe them or not. It’s you right. But not to listen them is a great loss.
Are you ready to learn things that may change your mind? So, let’s start.

Matrix (02:17)
We could all be living in ‘The Matrix’ and the universe could be a “vast and complex hologram” according to a theory put forward by astrophysicists.
The theoretical physicists have been investigating irregularities in the cosmic microwave background — the “afterglow” of the Big Bang. They say our 3D world may just be an illusion and that they have found substantial evidence to support the idea of a holographic universe.
A holographic universe, an idea first suggested in the 1990s, is one where all the information, which makes up our 3D “reality” is contained in a 2D surface on its boundaries...in the same way the holograph on a bank card appears. The difference, in our 3D universe, is that we can touch objects and the “projection” is “real” from our perspective.
These ideas are better described in these two theories: Einstein’s theory of relatively 03:15 and Stephen Hawking’s final theory 06:19.

Its very interesting what we gonna tell you. So stay with us till the end!

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