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Thought prison was scary? Wait until you see it on synthetic weed.

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If you're a weekend warrior when it comes to altering your mind you're going to want to stay away from Black Mamba. It's a synthetic cannabinoid that makes you lose contrrol, get super strong, and unleashes your inner berzerker. Examples? It's not unheard of for people high on Black Mamba to head butt cement walls and then poop themselves. And then keep head butting stuff with a full trouser load. Yippeee. This isn't your father's weed. In fact it's barely weed at all.

As the drug is hard to detect, it's found a strong following in British prisons. Which were f*cking scary to begin with. Think cockneyed accents and dudes who are a cross between Charles Bronson and Hard Top from Snatch. Now imagine that on Black Mamba with dead eyes and a visceral need to smash. Ya. In prisons across the pond it's not all "fresh'n your drink guv? and "give us a kiss, luv" . Okay it is, but in prison those typically mean very bad things.

Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alaskadispatchcom/alaska-fish-processors-ch_b_6603558.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news

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