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Where Rick and Morty Season 6 Plans To Pick Up In The Show's Timeline - IGN The Fix: Entertainment

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We know when to expect Rick and Morty season 6 on Adult Swim, which will be September 4th, but when will the upcoming season take place in the overall timeline of the series? Last we saw Rick and Morty, the season 5 finale ‘Rickmurai Jack’, we got a glimpse of Rick C-137’s backstory, the Citadel of Ricks is destroyed, and the return of Evil Morty where he breaks free from the Central Finite Curve created by Rick. #RickandMorty season 6 has potential to change the very fabric of what the #AdultSwim show has done in seasons past, but it remains to be seen what Rick and Morty fans can expect in season 6. In other news, the Weird Al biopic has found a release date. The Daniel Radcliffe-starring flick based on the Grammy-winning parody musician, entitled Weird: The Al Yankovic Story, is set to release November 4th on The Roku Channel. And finally, check out these Black Panther: Wakanda Forever action figures which give us a closer look at Namor and Attuma.

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