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10 Things You May Not Know About Doritos

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Here are 10 things you may not know about Doritos.

Doritos have been around for decades, and in that time they’ve won over the taste buds of many and amassed quite a rich history.
Here are 10 things you may not know about the crispy snack.
Number 10. It was the first product ever advertised in space. It wasn’t so much that Doritos was hoping to expand its alien market as it was a scientific experiment. Prior to that the big satellite used for the broadcast had only focused on trying to receive messages.
Number 9. Their inventor was buried with them. Prior to shoveling dirt over the ashes of Arch West, the man who began to develop the snack in the early 60s, his family threw chips into the grave.
Number 8. Dewitos may someday be a real product. It’s a Doritos-flavored Mountain Dew and photos of it being publicly tested have surfaced. The sampling events are, according to a Mountain Dew spokesperson, taking place on college campuses.
Number 7. Australians put them on pizza. Well, at least the country’s Pizza Hut franchises did for a limited period of time. They called the chip-laden pie the ‘Doritos Crunchy Crust Pizza.'(1,2,all)
Number 6. They may have been invented at Disneyland. Stories about their creation vary, but one popular version has the chips making their debut at the theme park in the early 1960s. In that telling of the tale they were first served at the on site restaurant, ‘La Casa de Fritos’.
Number 5. Doritos can fuel video game characters. In the PSP offering ‘Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker’, they’re one of the many real world brands made available to the computer-generated leading man, Snake.
Number 4. Japan gets its own flavors. In addition to the all the usual varieties, the country’s consumers are treated to several extra, often limited-edition, options. Those have included Camembert cheese, smoked bacon, and avacado cheese.
Number 3. The name Doritos wasn’t completely made up. It is the derivative of Spanish language word ‘doradito’ which translates as ‘little golden’.
Number 2. They’re the namesake of an inexplicable medical phenomenon. Ok, it’s not totally official yet, but the term ‘Dorito Syndrome’ is picking up ground as a go-to identifier. The problem is characterized by the feeling of dissatisfaction that follows consuming nutritionally void foods.
Number 1. Cool Ranch and Cool American are the same thing. If traveling abroad you find yourself searching for one and finding the other, don’t be alarmed. In places like Iceland they just do a little name adjusting.
Which little known Doritos fact are you most surprised by?
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