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Best Budget DSLR Lens 2018!!

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Best Budget DSLR Lenses 2018 - Best Cheap DSLR Lenses 2018
Hey there, my name's Chris Winter and in this video I'm going to go through some of the Best Budget DSLR Lenses so you can get an idea of which lens might be best for you.
But anyway lets get on to todays question.
"Hey Chris, I just got my first Canon DSLR, which is a canon T6. I've been using the kit lens to take some photos and I'm now interested in getting some other lenses, which would you recommend. BTW I'm on a budget haha"
That's awesome that you got a Canon T6 and good work taking photos with your kit lens.
I always recommend learnign with a kit lens as to me it's more important to get out there and take photos and get the feel of your DSLR.
But I do have a couple of different lenses here which might be good for you.
So fortunately, even though you're on a budget, there are still quite a lot of lenses that you can choose from.
Now in this video I'll mainly talk about Canon mount lenses because thats what youre shooting on but a lot of these lenses will be available with Nikon mount as well.
So one of my favorite lenses for all around use is this lens here. It's the Canon 18-135mm STM.
Now your kit lens is likely a 18-55mm lens, so as you can imagine, this lens here can zoom in quite a lot longer.
And that's whats so great about it.
Not only can be pretty wide at 18mm, you can also zoom in really far all the way to 135mm.
This can be great if you want to maybe take some photos of sports or wildlife or even if youre oding some street photography.
This lens also has an STM motor which means its got great autofocus in video mode too.
Another budget zoom lens from Canon is this one, the 10-18mm STM.
its an ultra wide lens which means it can go much wider tthan your standard kit lens.
This can really produce an amazing grand effect on your photos and it's awesome for things like architecture where you want to get everything in the shot.
it's also good for vlogging if you want to get into that one day.
I'd also recommend looking into prime lenses.
Now a prime lens is a lens that has a fixed focal length like 50mm or 85mm for example and it doesnt zoom.
These are often sharper than zoom lenses and can give you some nice effects like a blury background or bokeh.
One of the most popular cheap prime lenses you can get is the 50mm 1.8.
This is commonly known as the nifty 50 because its really cheap at about $100.
This lens is great for portraits too becuase you can really blur the background.
Another awesome budget portriats lens is this here, the 85mm 1.8. This is a little bit more expensive than the 50mm, but you can get some great dreamy shots with it.
Now both Canon and Nikon make these lenses but don't be afraid to look at 3rd party lenses.
For example these lenses here are made by a company called yongnup and theyre great value for money.
Now they're not as sharp as the Canon and nIkon versions, but they're pretty good and the 50mm version is only $50, compared to $100 on the Canon version.
I'd also take a look at lenses from companies such as Rokinon or Samyang.
These are manual focus lenses, so thats somethign to think of, but theyre often very sharp and good value.
So they were some of the Best Budget DSLR Lenses, hopefully I helped you make a decision.
I hope you have a great day, and I'll see you next time.
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