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Boxing Sony A6500 To Send It Back

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Baby Back Maniac:
Time to return the A6500. I actually liked it better than I thought I would! There is no perfect camera, each has its unique quirks. The Sony A6500 is not exempt from that observation. Once you get to know it intimately and can work arounds the "uniqueness" of the camera, it delivers grade A work.
Baby Back Maniac:
My notes about THIS video down below.
My PeterGregg4K channel is here - please subscribe, I need to hit 1000 by Feb 20th:
*The best Custom White Balance Tool!
TOO COOL :) Amazon has given me my own personal page on their big Amazon Web site:
CAMERA: Panasonic GH5
LENS: Olympus Pro 25mm f/1.2 Lens
B&H Photo ($0.00 Tax Collected Outside NY and NJ)
WHITE BALANCE: ABetterWhiteBalance
Audio: Sony LAV (I use the older version of this current one)
Computer: 2017 27” iMac i7 4.2 GHz
Recorded on the GH5 at 30p 4K 8Bit mode
Color profile is Standard (with a few tweaks)
External Sound (lapel mic above)
Color balance with A Better White Balance
1 Softbox in front of me, 1 softbox behind me, 1 softbox to the side aimed at the ceiling because the room was too dark (this raised the overall light levels of the room).
What about Jingles??
Jingles works for food (and love) :)
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B&H Photo ($0.00 Tax Collected Outside NY and NJ)
Amazon Photo Goldbox Deal Of The Day -
Amazon has given me my own personal page on their big Amazon Web site:
All pictures and content by Peter Gregg and are my copyright. Music from YouTube's Content Creator library.
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