Set in the 1850s, the Chapelwaite follows Captain Charles Boone (Brody), who relocates his family of three children to his ancestral home in the small, seemingly sleepy town of Preacher's Corners, Maine after his wife dies at sea. However, Charles will soon have to confront the secrets of his family's sordid history and fight to end the darkness that has plagued the Boones for generations. Hampshire plays Rebecca Morgan, an ambitious young woman who left Preacher's Corners to attend Mount Holyoke College and has returned home with an advance to write a story for the new and prestigious Atlantic Monthly. Her writer's block lifts when Boone arrives in town with his children, and despite her mother's protests, Rebecca applies to be the governess of the infamous Chapelwaite manor and the Boone family in order to write about them. In doing so, Rebecca will not only craft the next great gothic novel, she'll unravel a mystery that has plagued her own family for years. The first three episodes of Chapelwaite debut on Epix on Sunday, August 22, 2021.
#IGN #Chapelwaite
#IGN #Chapelwaite
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- Gaming
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- Chapelwaite, Clip, Drama
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