Titans follows young heroes from across the DC Universe as they come of age and find where they belong. In Season 3, circumstances draw our heroes to Gotham City, where they will reunite with old friends and face new threats. The series stars Brenton Thwaites, Anna Diop, Teagan Croft, Ryan Potter, Conor Leslie, Curran Walters, and Joshua Orpin with Alan Ritchson, Minka Kelly, Damaris Lewis, Savannah Welch, and Vincent Kartheiser. Jay Lycurgo will recur this season. The first three episodes of Season 3 will debut Thursday, August 12, with subsequent episodes launching weekly every Thursday through October 21 on HBO Max.
#IGN #Titans #DC
#IGN #Titans #DC
- Category
- Gaming
- Tags
- Animation, Anna Diop, Brenton Thwaites
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