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Great Photographers Understand THIS

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The best photographers always have an ability to bring their own voice into the photography that they produce. Creating involves a visual language and is a powerful form of communication. So how is this done? What is the secret?!?

Part of this is understanding the concept of interpretation. In this video we see how one subject is taken by 7 different photographers. What makes each one of them unique.

This is going to work into the next photo assignment - you're going to interpret based on what we've started in the previous assignment of still life's by Josef Sudek. In that assignment we copied work. Now is your chance to use your own voice!

Watch more photo assignments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atndJXG-xPE&list=PLGEE7pGLuppTpY8hu9Xn5Owy3vxs_lflo

My Lightroom and Capture One Presets https://theartofphotography.tv/presets/
Music is from Epidemic Sound https://goo.gl/v5wWKr
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On my channel you will find videos about photography, cinematography, post processing tutorials for Capture One, Lightroom and Photoshop, photo assignments that YOU can participate in, the Artist Series and more. The Artist Series is an ongoing set of videos I produce as documentaries on living photographers. I am extremely passionate about photography and video and my goal in making these videos is to share my passion and enthusiasm with you! Don’t forget to subscribe and make sure to hit the like button and share this video if you enjoyed it!

Ted Forbes
The Art of Photography
2830 S. Hulen, Studio 133
Fort Worth, TX 76109
US of A
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