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The Hallo-WAN Show - Apple made $50B & Surface Book has Issues - October 30, 2015

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Timestamps courtesy of Sam Tilling
00:04:00 Microsoft Surface Book Issues.
00:20:10 FBI’s Advice on Ransomware? Just pay the ransom
00:24:40 eJaculator - Now on IndieGogo
00:29:55 Microsoft decides to stop publishing console sales figures
00:37:12 Sennheiser opens corporate building for refugees
00:39:00 Single player games which need on-line authentication are now exempt from DMCA once their servers are shut down
00:44:20 FDA Approves Cancer Killing Virus
00:47:25 Sponsor: Ifixit
00:50:20 Sponsor: Logitech
00:51:50 Sponsor: Freshbooks
00:54:25 Arkham Knight back on sale on Steam
00:57:35 Assassin’s Creed Syndicate’s Sales are Second Worst in Series as Fatigue Sets In.
01:02:42 LTT Edition Fans available!
01:14:15 LTT Hoodies.
01:19:40 Apple profits break all records for all companies in history.
01:20:10 Tesla avoids head on collision.
01:20:42 AT&T Offering “Data Perks” Bits of data in exchange of completing various tasks
01:21:54 Youtube red will pay video makers during free trials
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