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This Perfect Fall Date Is Also A Super Simple Way To Stay In Shape

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Apple picking is a uniquely fall activity that has a tremendous number of health benefits, beginning with the nutritional benefits of apples themselves. As the old adage goes, “An apple a day keep the doctor away,” but modern medical research has shed light on exactly what an apple's health benefits are, which include:

1. Flavonol richness to fight an arsenal of cancers, including reducing your risk of pancreatic cancer by 23%.

2. Apples also contribute to acetylcholine levels in the brain which help fight against Parkinson's disease and women in particular show a 28% reduction in likelihood of developing diabetes.

3. And if vanity is your thing, apples also stimulate saliva production, which greatly assists in keeping tour teeth white.

As for the activity of apple picking, there are invaluable benefits associated with the activity, as well including the reduction of stress. Studies have conclusively shown that interacting with nature, and walking among trees in particular, reduces cortisol levels, lowers blood pressure and supports healthy cognitive functioning.

Also, moderate tree climbing brings a host of physical health benefits such as the enhancement of hand-eye coordination and safe functional strength training. Dr. Scott Riewald of the National Strength and Conditioning Association suggests that functional strength training using your own body weight, as in the instance of tree climbing, helps you avoid the risk associated with free weights by putting your muscles and joints in a vulnerable position. Also, tree climbing -- and achieving what is essentially a pull-up -- is an anaerobic workout that maximizes your body's energy expenditure and builds strength and long-lasting endurance.

So enjoy your next trip to the apple orchard -- and since it is an exercise, afterwards, be sure to replenish your body and muscles with a protein packed, vitamin rich beverage like TruMoo Protein Plus. It contains 25 grams of protein and no high fructose corn syrup. Plus, it’s high in calcium, potassium and vitamins A and D, so you’ll be refueled and ready for action.

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