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Packet Transmission Across The Internet. Networking & TCP/IP Tutorial.

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Packet Transmission across the Internet. Networking & TCP/IP

How IP Adress & MAC Address work together.

In this video, we see what happens to a packet as it is transmitted across the Internet

Let’s see what’s happening inside initiating Host. Data from its Application layer, which happens to be HTML information, is sent DOWN to the Transport layer

At the Transport layer we add a header to the data. This Transport layer header has the source port of Host1 in the destination port of Host2.

Note that the Transport header, together with the data, is called a Segment. That entire Segment is sent DOWN to the Network layer.

At the Network layer a header is added to the Segment. This Network layer header has the source IP address of Host1 and the destination IP address of Host2. So the source IP address is And the destination IP address is

Note that the Network header, together with the Segment, is called a Datagram. That entire Datagram is now sent DOWN to the Data Link layer.

At the Data Link layer a header is added to the Datagram. This Datagram layer header has a hardware source address of Host1, and a hardware destination address of Router1. It’s important to realize that the destination Hardware address is not Host2.

Note that the Data Link layer header, together with the Datagram itself, is called a Frame. This Frame is sent DOWN to physical layer, where it is converted to ones and zeros, and sent to Router1 - over physical cabling.

Video is here http://youtu.be/nomyRJehhnM

Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF9kSu51gh8T_F6OAtr8yig

Be sure to check out our Interactive TCP/IP Header Reference at http://packethacks.com

LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/dave-sirof/13/17a/31a
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