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Google Android Silver specs, OnePlus One contest, HTC One M8 prime & more - Pocketnow Daily

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- Samsung wants to expand biometric scanners even to lower-end phones
- Microsoft Surface Pro 3 specs and pricing leaked ahead of Tuesday announcement?
- HTC One M8 Prime's "coolest feature" may be the unusual material it's made of
- Android Silver's Nexus 6 equivalent could run 64-bit Snapdragon 810
- First OnePlus One invite contest opens: 150 chances to buy

Watch today's Pocketnow Daily as we talk about Samsung's plans for a biometric future on low-end smartphones and even retina scanners. Microsoft is next as as we talk about the Surface Pro 3, and what we should expect from specifications and price. HTC follows as the One M8 Prime might be made by some interesting materials. Google is next as we talk about the specs of the first Android Silver smartphone. We end today's show by talking about the OnePlus One and its first contest.

All this and more after the break.


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