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All your Moto Z questions answered, and Encryption "Responsibility" | Pocketnow Weekly 210

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We're going to tackle ALL of your questions about the Moto Z, the Moto Z Force, and Moto Mods! Plus, we'll chat about mobile use in the military, Google's potential VR strategy, and ask, what responsibility do companies have to provide access to encrypted devices? Make sure you're charged and ready for episode 210 of the Pocketnow Weekly!
Join the Q&A on Google Plus
Watch the live video broadcast at 2:00pm Eastern on July 21th (click here for your local time), or check out the high-quality audio version later this week. And don't forget to shoot your listener mail to podcast [AT] pocketnow [DOT] com for a shot at getting your question read aloud on the air!
Pocketnow Weekly 210
Recording Date
July 21, 2016
Juan Bagnell
Jules Wang
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The Rundown
HP Elite x3 in 47 countries soon, in Sweden tomorrow
iPhones ahoy and iPhones away
Who's upgrading to the iPhone 7? Everyone and no one.
Skype tossing Windows Phone to the wind
Does Google Daydream of some other VR sheep?
Does the army go shopping at all?
Everything you've always wanted to know about the Moto Z, but were afraid to ask! 
Moto Z vs Galaxy S7
Moto Z vs LG G5
Moto Mods Review
BlackBerry and Apple's "civil responsibility"
Chat with Juan
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