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Nexus 5 & iPad Air review discussion with Engadget's Brad Molen! - Pocketnow Weekly 069

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(Full description below) The Pocketnow Weekly is an audio-only mobile tech podcast hosted on YouTube for your convenience. For full MP3 downloads and links to articles discussed on the air, visit us at .

You know the old saying: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Sometimes you're the Louisville Slugger, sometimes you're the ball. Sometimes you're a radio champ, sometimes you make a 90-minute podcast based entirely on leaks and rumors, only to have the subject of those rumors officially unveiled just hours later. Life's rough.

Well, this week we're looking to correct that bit of poor timing with yet another special edition of the Pocketnow Weekly. But we're not just talking Nexus 5; we'll also trade some thoughts on that other shiny new piece of sweetness to come out recently, Apple's new iPad Air. And joining us to help with that is a friend whose name will be familiar to anyone who's been listening to tech podcasts for a while: Engadget's Senior Mobile Editor, Brad Molen! huzzah.wav!

Finally: yes, we will indeed announce the winner of the great Pocketnow Nexus 5 giveaway in this very episode. Fair warning: while we don't make you listen to the whole show, we do take quite a while before the big reveal. Before ya'll start posting time codes in the comments, here's a hint: it's after the meat of the Nexus 5 coverage, but before Listener Mail. YOU'RE WELCOME. Winner, please email us at the podcast address in the next paragraph!

So, whether you're here for the free phone, for the Brad cameo, for the tech talk, or for some reason you've yet to realize ... come join us for episode 069 of the Pocketnow Weekly podcast. Send feedback, questions, and requests to podcast [AT] pocketnow [DOT] com. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google Plus to stay apprised of the latest episodes. Tell your friends about the show so we don't have to do a telethon to stay on the air. Join our forums to offer topic suggestions and more. And thanks for listening!

Pocketnow Weekly Episode 069

Recording Date



Michael Fisher

Taylor Martin

Brad Molen (Engadget)

Topic List

Intro (00:00:01)

Brad tells us about the upcoming Engadget Expand, then Taylor falls asleep while we talk about Geordi LaForge and Google Glass

Nexus 5 (00:09:23)

Nexus 5 review: the best phone $350 can buy (Engadget)

Nexus 5 unboxing

Nexus 5 vs Moto X

Google discusses creation of Nexus 5, Android 4.4

We're giving away a Nexus 5! Wooooo!

Listener Mail (01:05:40)

Alex ter Avest asks about the Nexus 5's camera situation; Antony Guan wants our recommendations for wireless chargers; Jason Beckles poses an interesting question about voice commands in Android 4.4; and James Cook wants to know who's on deck to build the Nexus 6!

iPad Air (01:35:30)

iPad Air review (Engadget Mobile)

iPad Air unboxing

iPad Air vs Old iPad

iPad Air size comparison

Thanks for listening!

Tune in next week for more!


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PocketnowVideo is the official YouTube channel of Pocketnow.com. We feature Android, iOS, and Windows Phone news, reviews, unboxings, opinion pieces, and tons of awesome comparisons. If you love mobile as much as we do, be sure to subscribe!

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